
Lab Tests Offered

Simple, easy, convenient and confidential lab testing - available right here in Nebraska! Thousands of quality lab tests available. Contact the staff at HEALTHY NEBRASKA® for more information! NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED! Health Savings Account Funds also accepted!

Individual Tests

A1C - Hemoglobin A1C


BHCG - Beta HCG, Quantitive


CBC5 - Complete Blood Cell Count with Differential


CMPM - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel


CRP - C Reactive Protein


CRPC - C Reactive Protein, Cardiac


DRS7 - Urine Drug Screen w/COCR-Legal Custody Form ** Legal documentation of guardianship must be provided on all drug testing for minors **


HCABR - Hepatitis C Antibodies


HDRSC - Hair Drug Screen w/COCR-Legal Custody Form ** Legal documentation of guardianship must be provided on all drug testing for minors **


HIV - HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies


LIPM - Lipid Profile, **FASTING REQUIRED**


PSA - Prostate Cancer Screen


SAR2G - Covid Antibody Test (SARS CoV2 IgG Antibody)


TEST - Testosterone, Total


TOX9 - Drugs of Abuse Screen 9 Panel, Urine - Not Legal


TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone


UA - Urinalysis


VTD25 - Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy


Wellness Panels

ANEMC - Anemia Profile, Complete (Includes: CBC5, IRON PROFILE, VIT B12, FOLATE, RETIC)


ARCLC - Arthritis Panel, Complete (Includes: RheumFact, ANA, CRP, URIC, ESR, CMPM, CBC5)


BHWP - Basic Health & Wellness Panel (Includes: CMPM, LIPM, CBC5, TSH)


BTHP - Basic Thyroid Panel (Includes: TSH, Free T4)


CHWP - Complete Health & Wellness (Includes: CMPM, LIPM, CBC5, ANEM, TSH, FT4, CRP, A1C, VTD25, URIC, MG)


CNCM (Men) - Cancer Screening - MEN, 5 Tumor Markers (Includes: Prostate, Colon, Pancreatic, Met/Others, AFP)


CNCW (Women) - Cancer Screening - WOMEN, 5 Tumor Markers (Includes: Colon, Pancreatic, Ovarian/others, AFP, Breast)


DBTCS - Diabetic/Pre-Diabetic Screening (Includes: Glucose **FASTING REQUIRED**, HGB A1C)


HRMPM (Men) - Hormone Panel - MEN (Includes: Testosterone, TSH, PSA)


HRMPW (Women) - Hormone Panel - WOMEN (Includes: E2(Estradiol), Progesterone, FSH, LH)


HRTCS - Heart & Cardiovascular Screening #1 (Includes: CMPM, LIPM, CRPC)


STDP - Sexually Transmitted Disease Panel (Includes: Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV) (Reflex charges/testing added if positive)


STSFP - Stress & Fatigue Panel (Includes: CMPM, CBC5, TSH, Anemia Prof, CRP, Vit D)


TYPEC - Blood Typing (Includes: ABO, RH)




WTMP - Weight Management Profile (Includes: CMPM, CBC5, TSH, FT4, DHEAS, Cortisol, Insulin)


Healthy Nebraska

1931 West A Street
North Platte, NE 69101

Affiliated with Pathology Services, P.C.   •   Copyright © 2025 HEALTHY NEBRASKA®   •   Admin